Network security protocols & technologies

Stands for file transfer protocol
Used for transferring files between a computer on the internet by TCP/IP connection

How it works
FTP works by two communications between server and a client. A command channel is controlling the communication and data channel for transferring the files. By using the FTP, a client can delete, download, copy, rename and upload file on the server.

File transfer protocol (FTP) is important in a network security is because it can secure and ensure file transfer safe.

Stands for Internet Protocol security and also known as IP security

Set of protocols security for internet protocol

IPsec can be used for setting up virtual private network in secure manner

How it works

IPsec works by checking the IP address of the destination or source against policy configuration to determine either the traffic should be considered IPsec purpose

IPsec is important because ensure confidential data. It also ensuring provide security to the network traffic by ensuring data confidentiality, sender and recipient authentication.

Stands for domain name system

It is a phonebook of the internet

Easily for indentifying an IP address

DNS translate domain name into IP address so that the browser can load internet resources

Example of DNS server for is “”

How it works
DNS works when a user is entering URL into the web browser

DNS server used it resource to resolve the name into IP address for a appropriate web server

Stands for Hyper text transfer protocol

Application protocol that is created for enable communication between servers with a client.

How it works?

HTTP gives users a way to interact with web resources such as HTML files by transmitting hypertext messages between clients and servers. HTTP clients generally use Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections to communicate with servers.

The purpose of http is to provide standard way for web server and browser to talk to each other



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